Friday, March 18, 2011


Hey guys and gals,
Once again, it's been quite a while since I've updated you all.  I've just been thinking a lot lately about how respect works.  We must respect and even learn to appreciate those of other nationalities and religions.  I've had several opportunities to practice and demonstrate this in my everyday life. 

Several weeks ago I visited a mosque, and met other students of Islamic faith in highschool and college.  It was great to meet with them, see that they were just normal teenagers like any of us.  I found that they believed in many similar things as I, a Christian Scientist.  They believed in the Bible, one God, and accepted Jesus as a prophet.  They had strong morals that I really respected, and were looking for peace in prayer just like any of us as well.  It was great to see this, meet a very graceful and beautiful woman.  It's somewhat unfortunate that so many Americans misjudge these wonderful people because of a small few who do something wrong.

Yet again I had a similar opportunity when talking to another Christian, who went to a foursquare church.  There are several differences between their church and our Christian Science church, but yet we could easily relate and even connect.  It came up randomly in conversation, and blossomed into a very comforting conversation.  This way of respect and appreciation really works.  It's what this world needs.  Share it with others.  Love the world.  It's the greatest gift we have.  Love yall.

Love always,
Contemplation's Girl

Friday, March 4, 2011

Singin in the rain

It has literally been FOREVER since I last blogged.  I'm really sorry guys, just been SUPER busy.  Felt like it was about time to blog again, because tonight I was quite spontaneous.  A friend and I slid through one giant puddle (more like river) going down a hill on a field of grass.  It was a little cold, and my clothes got (more than mildly) dirty and muddy, but so much fun, and so worth it.  In fact, I've been trying to do many of these spontaneous things lately.  They keep life interesting!  For example if I think it would be cool to go to the art museum, I go!  If someone wants to go for a run in the pouring rain, I'm down!  Swimming in a Washington Ocean?  Going without makeup for a few days?  Watching 4 movies at once?  All of these things make life loveable. :)  Anyways, today has been very rainy and thundery.. I love it!  This is weather I enjoy very much, because it reminds me of home, is comforting, and sounds flat out awesome.  Lots of love to you all!  I promise to keep you updated MORE FREQUENTLY!  And I don't break my promises.  LIVE SPONTANEOUSLY. 
Contemplation's Girl